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  • Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Promoting the Development of Industrial Robot Industry

Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Promoting the Development of Industrial Robot Industry

2023.12.12 Editor: ZHONGBO Hits:0

Industrial robots are automation equipment that integrates advanced technologies from multiple disciplines such as machinery, electronics, control, computers, sensors, and artificial intelligence, representing the development direction of future intelligent equipment. Promoting the application and development of industrial robots is of great significance for improving working conditions, enhancing product quality and labor productivity, driving the development of related disciplines and enhancing technological innovation capabilities, promoting industrial structure adjustment, development mode transformation, and industrial transformation and upgrading.

After more than 30 years of development, China's industrial robot industry has formed a relatively complete industrial foundation, playing an important role in manufacturing, emergency rescue, field survey, resource development, national defense and military industry, and other fields. However, compared with developed countries, there is still a significant gap in China's industrial robot industry. Firstly, the industrial foundation is weak, and key components still heavily rely on imports. The second is that the industrial system of public service platforms, standards, and talents still needs to be improved. Thirdly, the market influence of independent brand industrial robots is weak, making it difficult to promote and apply. The fourth is that market competition is constantly intensifying, and hidden concerns about duplicate construction are emerging. To strengthen industry management and promote the orderly and healthy development of China's industrial robot industry, the following guiding opinions are proposed:

1、 Development goals

Develop industrial robot system integration technology, host design technology, and key component manufacturing technology to meet user needs, break through a batch of core technologies and key components, improve the reliability and stability indicators of large-scale and mainstream products, and promote the large-scale demonstration application of industrial robots in important industrial manufacturing fields.

By 2020, establish a relatively complete industrial robot industry system, cultivate 3-5 leading enterprises with international competitiveness and 8-10 supporting industry clusters; The technological innovation capability and international competitiveness of the industrial robot industry and enterprises have significantly increased, with a market share of high-end products increasing to over 45%. The density of robots (the number of robots used per 10000 employees) has reached over 100, basically meeting the needs of national defense construction, national economy, and social development.

2、 Main tasks

(1) Focus on market demand and break through core technologies. Select key areas such as automobiles, ships, electronics, civil explosives, national defense and military industry, and conduct core technology research on industrial robot system integration, design, manufacturing, testing and detection based on user needs. Conquer key component technologies such as servo motors, precision reducers, servo drives, end effectors, sensors, etc., and form productivity.

(2) Cultivate leading enterprises and form industrial clusters. Establish an industrial development pattern led by industrial robot host enterprises and system integration enterprises, with coordinated development of component and industrial service enterprises, to achieve sustainable development of the entire industrial chain of industrial robots. Vigorously cultivate backbone industrial robot enterprises with international competitiveness, actively develop innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, and form industrial robot industry clusters with strong competitiveness.

(3) Highlight regional characteristics and promote industrial layout. Guide local governments to reasonably determine the development model and scale of the industrial robot industry based on their own conditions, rely on existing scientific research and manufacturing capabilities, application foundations, industrial parks, and other characteristics and advantages, scientifically plan, adapt to local conditions, and orderly promote regional differentiated development of industrial robots.

(4) Promote application demonstrations and promote transformation and upgrading. Actively utilizing industrial robot technology to transform and enhance traditional industries, improving production and operational efficiency, promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, ensuring safe production, and promoting industrial upgrading in the industrial sector. We will focus on a number of typical application demonstration projects with outstanding effects, strong driving force, and high relevance. We will carry out independent brand industrial robot application demonstrations in the automotive and its components industry, which has the largest usage of industrial robots, the textile and logistics industries with high labor intensity, the defense and military industries, civil explosive industries with high risks, and industries such as pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, and food that require high cleanliness in product production environments.

(5) Strengthen overall design and improve the standard system. Strengthen overall coordination and collaboration, rely on cross departmental and cross industry standardization research mechanisms, and coordinate the construction of industrial robot standard systems. Accelerate the research and development of basic common standards, key technical standards, and key application standards in accordance with the principle of prioritizing urgent needs and prioritizing commonalities. Encourage and support domestic institutions to actively participate in international standardization work, and enhance the international discourse power of independent technical standards.

(6) Strengthen public services and innovate service models. Continuously improving the industrial public service system, concentrating resources such as talent, technology, and experimental conditions, establishing and improving a public service platform for industrial robot design, research and development, testing, experimental verification, certification, and recognition that has strong innovation capabilities, flexible operating mechanisms, and can provide strong technical support for the industry, and promoting the establishment and improvement of a third-party testing and certification system.

(7) Promote international cooperation and enhance industry level. Strengthen international exchange and cooperation in industrial robot technology, guide domestic enterprises and international advantageous enterprises to conduct research and development cooperation in key technologies, key components, main engines, and system integration of industrial robots, and fully utilize international innovation resources to drive the development of independent brand industrial robots. Support domestic enterprises to participate in the global industrial robot market competition, and promote China's independent technology and standards to go global.

3、 Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen overall planning and coordination. Establish a coordinated mechanism for the development of industrial robots across departments, industries, regions, and military regions, study major issues, coordinate the formulation of policy measures and action plans, and form a work pattern of resource sharing and collaborative promotion. Strengthen the coordination and coordination of industrial robot related planning and industrialization projects, actively support major application demonstrations and industrialization projects of industrial robots, strengthen industrial chain support and regional division of labor cooperation.

(2) Create a favorable development environment. Establish a sound policy system that is conducive to stimulating innovation, promoting application, and orderly competition of industrial robots. Establish a long-term mechanism for production and demand coordination, and promote the market application of independent brand industrial robots through the release of supply and demand information, on-site coordination between supply and demand, and process technology training. Research and develop a recommended catalog for industrial robot products, encourage users to adopt self branded robots, and enhance market awareness of self branded robots. Research and establish an industrial robot market access mechanism that encourages fair entry and equal competition of diverse capital.

(3) Strengthen financial and tax policy support. Utilize existing funding channels such as high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment technology major projects, intelligent manufacturing equipment projects, and technology transformation projects, as well as major technology equipment import tax policies, and actively explore new policy and funding channels to encourage and guide enterprises to increase investment in key core technology research and industrialization of industrial robots, and improve the quality and reliability of independent brand industrial robots.

(4) Play the role of industry organizations. Fully utilize the advantages of industry associations and alliances in industry coordination, self-discipline, information exchange, policy research, consulting and evaluation, international exchange and cooperation, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of independent brand industrial robot enterprises in international competition, improve fair competition rules, and promote the healthy development of the industry. Timely grasp the industry dynamics and development trends, and solve new problems that arise in the industry's development.

(5) Strengthen the construction of talent teams. Establish a multi-level and multi type industrial robot talent training and service system. Support relevant universities and research institutes to strengthen interdisciplinary integration and accelerate the cultivation of professionals related to industrial robots. By relying on national major projects, science and technology plans, demonstration projects, and key enterprises, we aim to cultivate high-level and leading talents in industrial robotics. Accelerate the introduction of high-level talents in industrial robots, improve supporting services, and encourage overseas professionals to return to China or start businesses.

Each region can develop specific implementation plans, action plans, and supporting policies and measures suitable for the development of industrial robots in their respective regions based on the requirements of this opinion, and strengthen communication and coordination to ensure effective implementation of measures.

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